Originators of the Theory of Physical Structures

KULAKOV Yuri Ivanovich — the initiator of the Theory of Physical Structures, his disciples:

MYKHAYLYCHENKO Gennady Grigorievich — the co-initiator of the Theory of Physical Structures, facing the theory at its inception, laying the mathematical framework. His disciples:


VLADIMIROV Yuri Sergeevich,
IVANOV Valentin Yakovlevich,
MALYSHEV Vladimir Mikhailovich.
СОЛОВЬЁВ Александр Владимирович,
ШАХОВ Виктор Иванович.


БАРДАКОВ Валерий Георгиевич,
VITIAEV Evgeniy Evgenyevich,
IONIN Vladimir Kuzmich,
САМОХВАЛОВ Климентий Федорович,
SEROVAISKIY Semyon Yakovlevich,
FIRDMAN Ilya Alexandrovich.


SYCHEVA Lyudmila Sergeevna.